Nuutti Kotivuori@nakedible
Code whisperer, payment sorcerer, cloud tamer. Building secure castles in the digital sky.

With nearly three decades of professional programming under my belt, I've seen the digital landscape evolve from the early days of the internet to the cloud-native world we live in today. And let me tell you, it's just memes all the way down.

What I Do

I specialize in crafting robust, secure systems that often stand at the intersection of payments, cloud computing, and cutting-edge security practices. My expertise spans:

  • Payment Systems: From card payments to eCommerce, I've navigated the complex world of financial transactions already for 15 years. Nobody who's seen behind the veil will sleep well again.
  • Cloud Architecture: If it's not in version control, it doesn't exist, and doubly so if it's infrastructure. All cloud applications needs to be built natively from the outside in, rather than starting from the code to figure out how it should be hosted.
  • Security & Cryptography: I believe in security by design, and making it right rather than to rely on defense in depth. PCI DSS is a swamp, so it's an all too familiar fight to balance real world security with compliance rules.
  • Entrepreneurship: I've founded companies and had them fail. But then the biggest FinTech company in Europe bought the successful ones, and they've managed to keep me around since.

Tech I Love

  • Languages: Rust is my current passion. But I'm polyamorous, so that's not my only love.
  • Cloud: AWS is the old and comfortable fling, but CloudFlare is the new hotness. They have a ton of really cool stuff that doesn't get nearly enough attention.
  • Cryptography: Fascinated by elegant cryptographic protocols with real world usage rather than the underlying algorithms. J-PAKE and Keccak have a special place in my heart.
  • Challenges: You'll find me waking up at 7 AM on Christmas Eve to solve Advent of Code. Also, screw timezones.

Beyond the Code

I love swinging a sword and dungeons, in more ways than one. Take that as you will.

Feel free to reach out if you've got something to discuss. However, no service level guarantees are provided for unsolicited messages.